What can schools do to increase their return on educational investment ?

Services for Improvement of Existing Schools

Be it academics or school community, educational ecosystem or landscape, every school has a unique character carefully crafted by its promoter. Only the ones passionate in action and leaders in spirit can conceive of starting a school and sustain with time. Individuals demonstrating a commitment to operate an institution can realize the dream of preparing the student for society ever in need of youth with wholesome education and character.

We have observed that school management often finds it difficult to secure the return on educational investment and increase educational productivity. This could be due to lacunae in planning unduly fast-tracked school setup process, improper organizational structure, unstudied choice of educational program for the target student community, inability to estimate & plan finances, inefficient spending, lack of technological awareness, insufficient admissions, failure to figure out competition, improper branding, inability to stay abreast of 21st-century trends.

We understand all the challenges, both typical and atypical, that schools face and we have the expertise to ensure that the school’s infrastructure, processes, procedures, technology, admissions and curriculum are in-line with the goals irrespective of size and nature of the school.

School Audit

School Improvement Consultants will study and audit in detail the school, related aspects like infrastructure, educational program, organizational structure, finance, market, parental attitude, systems, etc. An analysis to identify the key issues to be addressed and to determine improvement criteria for the schools to be successful is done. Improvement criteria, transformation budget and timelines are discussed with the school management and amends are made.

School Improvement Plan

Strategic improvement report covering the improvement criteria, steps to be undertaken to move from “as is” to a “to be” state, schedules and budget are presented to the school promoters. Implementation of the improvement plan can take from 1 to 3 years depending the size, scale and complexity involved in the project.

Transformation Assistance

School Consultants provide guidance, strategic advisory on the agreed operational goals and milestones thorough transformation process.